Does this picture describe you most of the time?
Are you seeing life through defeated or victorious eyes?
I am so saddened by the number of people I meet that are living down-trodden lives—even Christians. Do you know people that always have this heavy sigh in their voice and countenance—like they’re carrying this oppressive load; a load from under which they will never get out? Perhaps that describes you. Don’t be dismayed. There is hope. As Jesus said:
“…In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (Jn 16:33)
We don’t have to approach this Christian living with a defeatist or discouraged mindset. We are on the winning side through our Victor Jesus Christ. “We are more than conquerors through him who loved us” (Rom 8:37). Jesus isn’t winning the battle; He’s already won it!
But sometimes it doesn’t feel that way, does it? Does it seem like you can’t:
- Ever pray enough?
- Be consistent with reading the Bible?
- Stop worrying about_____?
- Forgive that wrong done against you last week, last year, or even as a child?
- Stop a sinful habit?
What you need is a new perception and perspective; a new way of thinking. How do I know that? Because God doesn’t desire for His children to live so heavily burdened (Mat 11:28-30). Where’s the abundant life in that?! If there’s ever incongruity between our way of thinking and God’s, then the problem has to be on our end—not His. God is perfect and never wrong. He is truth (Jn 14:6).
So here’s a key truth you must sink deep within your soul:
You will always fall short of being like Jesus this side of heaven!
That’s why you and I need the power of the Gospel day in and day out. We don’t have the power to save ourselves nor do we have the power to live a redeemed life. That’s the Holy Spirit’s job. And He is very good at what He does. If only we would surrender our will to His!
Living the way God wants is not difficult—it is IMPOSSIBLE! Instead of feeling defeated, we should feel our desperate need of a Savior. Here’s how theologian Andrew Murray puts it:
“When we pray for the Spirit’s help [in whatever you are failing in], it will no longer be the fear that [it] is too great an effort for us. Instead, we will simply fall down at the Lord’s feet in our weakness. There we will find the victory and power that comes from His love.”1
This is the first step in living life with a smile instead of a heavy sigh. Take time to really ponder this truth. Do you believe it? Will you ask the Lord to renew your thinking so that you can be transformed into a winner?
Instead of failing in the Christian walk, live in victory by falling at the feet of Jesus; admitting your desperate need of Him!
1The Prayer Life by Andrew Murray, 22.
Scripture taken from THE HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by Biblica. All rights reserved worldwide.