3 Steps for a Better and More Productive Year for the Lord

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I can’t believe it’s already a brand-new year! My how fast time goes. I’m sure many of you would testify like me that time just seems to go faster and faster the older we get. There is definitely a sense of urgency. (blog)

Was last year a good one for you? Did you accomplish a lot of good things for the Lord?

Why or why not? Was it due to poor decisions, procrastination, or a lack of motivation?

Perhaps you cannot say that it was a good year because it was filled with many difficult trials completely out of your control.

For me it’s been a very eventful year—filled with 3 surgeries, several chronic health issues, but also with many accomplishments and opportunities, and of course some blunders.

So how can we make sure…

we have a better year in 2024?

We need to evaluate. You and I need to ask ourselves questions like:

  • Is there anything I would have done differently?
  • What opportunities to serve God and my family did I take/didn’t take?
  • In what areas did I procrastinate?
  • In what areas did I run ahead of God?
  • Did I respond or react to a negative circumstance?

We also need to consider why we acted like this.

Why did I make a mistake or react poorly to bad news? Why didn’t I follow through on my previous year’s commitments? Why didn’t I discipline myself better? Etc. etc., etc.…

I know, I know. These are tough questions! No one likes looking at their past mistakes. However, it’s the only way we can truly change, the only way we can minimize the number of regrets.

We’ve all made mistakes. We all have regrets. But we don’t need to live in regret. We can learn from our mistakes and press forward to do better from now on. We can use those negative feelings of guilt and regret to propel us forward into a brighter future. But that takes effort, intentionality, and an honest look inward.

It takes discipline!

And contrary to what most people think—discipline is not a dirty word and is achievable by everyone IF we enlist the help of God! Here are…

3 Steps for a Better and More Productive Year for the Lord

1. Evaluate WHAT you want to change and/or do.

Be as specific as you can here. For example, instead of saying I want to read the Bible more, say I want to read the Bible everyday at least 15 minutes/day or 1 chapter/day. Start small with something that will stretch you but is doable.

2. Determine WHY you want to change

This is critical! And unfortunately a step many people gloss over. You need a reason that will motivate you to make the necessary changes.

Using our example of reading the Bible more, is your reason because…

You want to love God more, grow spiritually, overcome besetting sins?


That’s what you’re supposed to do?

I promise you, that last reason will not be a sufficient motivator over the long run, it will not be enough to discipline yourself to do the hard thing when you don’t feel like it. Examining your priorities will help you here.

3. Commit to it

Make a decision and act on it in faith.

Do all the above with God under His direction, enablement and trust Him for the results.

Much has been written on this topic. And I am certainly no expert. But these 3 steps done with God will get you well on your way to a good and productive year for the Lord.

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.
(Col 3:23-24)

Please check out the free resources below to help you.

An Exercise to Help You Exercise Your Will Muscle and Enjoy It!


Scripture quotation taken from The Holy Bible: New International Version®. NIV. ® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved. All rights reserved.