How to Overcome the Fear of Making Mistakes—God’s Way

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I’m a doer, perfectionist, and a scaredy-cat. I want to do everything perfectly. I hate wasting time and effort. I hate making mistakes! With that combination, it’s no wonder that I cause myself so much needless anxiety.

But I don’t want to be this way! I love the Lord with all my heart and sincerely want to please Him in everything I do!

Through the years the Lord has been helping me to not get so worked up when I have an important decision to make. This year, in particular, He’s been repeatedly impressing on my heart that I don’t have to be so afraid of making a mistake. I think it’s a lesson He REALLY wants me to learn.

Perhaps you can relate to my fear. How do we change? By getting to the root cause. So here are some truths to help you and me…

Overcome the Fear of Making Mistakes—God’s Way

  • God’s love is unconditional

God doesn’t love us any less if we make a mistake, or even knowingly go against His will. Nor does He love us anymore if we do. We cannot earn His love.

  • Things that appear to be mistakes are not always a mistake

Just because we run into obstacles along the way doesn’t necessarily mean we’ve erred. (See this post for an example) Just because it hasn’t worked out the way we thought, doesn’t mean we’re on the wrong path. God’s paths are often zigzag.

  • God doesn’t expect perfection

Only Jesus was perfect. He simply wants us to do our best by abiding in Him, the Perfect One who is living inside of us. Jesus, the Author and Perfector of our faith is making us perfect and will carry it to completion when He takes us home (Heb 12:2; Phil 1:6).

  • God can use it for good

Sometimes “mistakes” are the only way we can learn something. God can take our mistakes and use them to grow us and others spiritually (Rom 8:28).

  • If we make a mistake forgiveness is available

As soon as you realize you have made a mistake, own up to it and repent. Then accept God’s forgiveness and move forward without guilt. If there are any mistakes for which you haven’t confessed, do so now and stop living in regret! (1 Jn 1:9)

  • God looks at our heart

If we have the right heart intention of pleasing God, we NEED NOT be afraid of misreading God’s leading. We can trust the Holy Spirit to keep His promise of guiding us into all truth, including the truth of the best path to take. If God wants us to obey Him, then it’s up to Him to show us the way.

Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this (Ps 37:4-5).

My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you prosperity…. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. (Pr 3:1-2, 5-6)

Although the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, your teachers will be hidden no more; with your own eyes you will see them. Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” (Is 30:20-21)

My friend, you and I need not be afraid of making a mistake if we do it God’s way. Let us do our part by seeking His will in every situation. By spending time in His presence with an open Bible and open, yielded hearts, we will be able to hear our heavenly Father say…

“This is the way, walk in it.”

News Flash!
I’ll be releasing my 10th book on January 15, 2025. It covers and expands on the idea in this post.
I’m so excited!

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Learn more and read an excerpt here

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Kindle format available for Pre-orders


Helpful Resources
Article series: How to Know God’s Will
Are You Questioning God’s Purpose?
How to Live God’s Way—Simplified


(NIV) The Holy Bible: New International Version®. NIV. ® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved.

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