How to Know God’s Will


How to Know God’s Will

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Making Godly Decisions in Every Situation

By remaining right with God, we CAN know what God wants us to do in each and every circumstance. Our faithful God promises to guide us each and every step.

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We’re constantly making decisions—big, little, and life-changing ones. What if we make the wrong choice? The consequences could be disastrous! Such stress and anxiety.

But we don’t have to live this way. Our heavenly Father wants us to know His will and promises to guide every step of the way.

This book will help you know God’s will not only in the big life decisions, but in the everyday ones as well. If you want to be in the very center of God’s will moment by moment, step by step, then this book is for you!

Book Excerpt


I [Wisdom] love those who love me and those who seek me find me. (Proverbs 8:17)

You need to make a decision—what job to take, which house to buy, what church to attend, how to deal with a difficult child—the list is endless. What if you make the wrong choice? The results could be disastrous. Such stress and anxiety.

All of us are constantly faced with making spiritual and “non-spiritual” decisions. Unknowingly, we often separate our lives into Christian and “non-Christian” categories and treat our decisions the same way. But the Bible says we are to do all things for the glory of God.

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. (Col 3:17)

I’m not simply referring to choosing between right and wrong here, but to determining what is best in any given situation. What I’m talking about is gaining wisdom and discernment, and that only comes from our all-knowing and all-wise God.

Sadly, many of us are just doing our own thing, going our own way without even considering what God would have us do in each situation. No wonder we have such stress!

But what if you really do desire to know what God wants you to do in each and every moment? If you’re reading this material then I presume that you do want to know God’s will and what’s best for you, your family, and God’s glory. You want to be a wise person.

Well, you are in the right place! You can know. You don’t have to remain befuddled in figuring out what God wants you to do. It is possible. And I’m going to do my very best to explain what God has taught me—a person who has always been so fearful of making wrong decisions.

Chapter 1 My Quest to Know God’s Will

Show me your ways, O LORD, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. (Psalm 25:4-5)

When I was a relatively young Christian, I went on a quest to find the answer to this one important question: How do you know God’s will in every decision you have to make?

I had been growing in my love for Jesus and wanted to obey Him. But the best course of action is not always black and white in the Bible. For example, there are no specific instructions about who to marry. Yes, there are guidelines—like our spouse needs to be a believer. But just because someone is a believer doesn’t mean they are the one we should choose as our lifelong partner. Many can attest to the fact that they wished they had asked for and/or heeded God’s direction before taking their vows at the altar.

In my search, God showed me two foundational truths:

First, God wants you and I to know His will.

Think about it. If God wants us to obey (and He does), then He has to tell us what He wants. That’s His responsibility. If you, as a parent, expect your teenager to be home at a certain time, then you must tell him what that time is. Otherwise, that’s just plain meanness.

Secondly, if we stay close to Him, we will be able to “hear” Him.

Jesus, the Good Shepherd said, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me” (Jn 10:27). We will be able to recognize His leading and therefore know what He wants us to do in any given situation which may mean just waiting.

When I grasped these two truths, such peace flooded into my heart! You and I need not remain anxious when we don’t know what to do. You see, it is far more than knowing about God’s rules—it’s about knowing His heart, about relating to our loving heavenly Father.

I believe that’s what God was trying to communicate to me—that’s it’s all about being and remaining in a right relationship with Him.

Knowing God’s will is more about a state of being than a state of knowing.

Sin interferes with our relationship with God and the reason we were created. Joni Earekson Tada says, “Our fundamental orientation to God is that we were created to will what God wills, to know what He knows, to love what He loves.”

We were made for intimacy with God. 

Before I go any further, I need to ask you a very important question: Do you have a personal relationship with God? Have you accepted Jesus as your Savior. You cannot get close to God unless you have come through Him. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (Jn 14:6).

You see, we are all sinners and fall short of God’s glory (Rom 3:23). He is holy, pure and perfect—we are not. But God created us for an intimate relationship with Him. His biggest desire is for all of mankind to be saved from an eternity separated from Him in hell to an eternity in heaven with Him.

The Lord is…not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. (2 Pet 3:9 NKJV)

God our Savior who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth. For, there is one God and one Mediator who can reconcile God and humanity—the man Christ Jesus. He gave his life to purchase freedom for everyone. (2 Tim 3-5 NLT)

It is clear from Scripture that in order to know the will of God we must first be in a relationship with Him.

If you’re not sure that you are or need more information, please go to Appendix B “How to Know God.”

My friend, if you and I are right with God, if we stay connected to the One who loves us and knows all things, then He will lead us to make the right decision in every circumstance.

For Greater Wisdom

1. How does your life reflect your desire to know God’s will in both the everyday situations and the big challenges that you face?

2. How does understanding that God wants you to know His will influence your efforts to discover it?

3. Explain in a few words what you believe the following phrase means: “Knowing God’s will is more about a state of being than a state of knowing.”

4. Do you know for sure that you are in a relationship with God? Have you accepted Jesus as your Savior? If not please go to Appendix B or ask a true Christian to help you.

Chapter 4 What is Meant by The Will of God?

Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. (Ephesians 5:15-17)

If we want to know and follow God’s will then we need to be clear on what is meant by the phrase the will of God. Word usage is so important! Over the years, I’ve discovered that this phrase generates much confusion among people. That described me as well before I diligently sought God’s will. In fact, there are several things that can muddy the waters in our understanding of this concept.

1. The different terms used to describe the will of God
It can be a bit perplexing to sort out what
the will of God actually refers to because, according to Bill Ogden, “there are three different concepts all being referred to as God’s Will. They are God’s Perfect Will (preferred will), His Proscribed Will (which is revealed in His Word), and His Predetermined Will (or Plan).”

John Piper categorizes God’s will into these two types: • God’s will of command—what He commands us to do • God’s will of decree—God’s sovereign control of all things

To combine and summarize the terms used by these two men:

Perfect Will = Preferred Will = Will of Command
We have a choice to follow this will or not.

Predetermined Will = Plan = Sovereign Will = Will of Decree
This is God’s unthwartable purpose/plan.

I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted. (Job 42:2 ESV)

…For the purposes of this book, I am primarily talking about discovering God’s Preferred Will (Will of Command) where we can choose to obey or not obey. Therefore, preferred or perfect will are the terms I will use in this book. 

2. We are under a new covenant
Another area of confusion stems from the different commands given in the Old Testament and the New Testament. Not all the dictates in the Old Testament apply to us. (Thank God we don’t have to sacrifice animals to approach Him!) That’s because Jesus has replaced the old covenant with a new covenant. Read more…

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“An enlightening read that’s sure to encourage and inspire!”
~Cathy B

“This is an excellent book that I highly recommend. I was uplifted and encouraged knowing I don’t have to stay in the dark about knowing God’s will. Rose offers light in the darkness, using Biblical scripture to light the way.”
~Lori Maria

This book is very timely! By using the principles in this book, I was able to determine a specific plan of action in a crucial decision. Although it was a difficult one to make, I am at peace. I know that it was God’s will.
~Darlene Hayhurst, West Virginia

Very good and easy read! Love that it is filled with Scripture!  I love the thought provoking questions at the end of each chapter!
~Sue Soffel, West Virginia

“I found this book very well written. A great resource for the new or seasoned believer. Rose brings out very good points, and I like the way she used scripture throughout the book.”
~Angie Stringer

I love this book!  Rose takes a challenging topic and gives it clarity because  her knowledge is based on God’s word. She helped me to see why stress, anxiety and indecisiveness prevent me from making decisions. The best part is, she gave me steps I could take daily so I could feel confident in my decision making, even those quick decisions, we often have to make. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who wants to make Godly decisions in every situation!  Thank you, Rose. ~Gail Bender, Oregon

“This book was needed years ago as I read and sought God’s will in my life. All churches should have this as a study and guide for all young believers seeking answers to abundant living in God’s will. Complete with study questions!” ~Marian S.

“I loved it. I learned through Rose Noland’s book great practical steps on how to know God’s will for everyday situations and appreciate her many personal life examples of determining God’s will in her own life. Her book is full of scripture verses that allows us to know the heart of God. She is a wonderful author and writes with such clarity and understanding.”
~Sue Kennedy, West Virginia

“This is a very good and well written book. It sure made me think, and now I have a good base for asking and praying to God.”

“I like Rose’s book because it provides knowledge and understanding inspired by God that gives us free choice to help cope with questionable situations and make correct decisions when dealing with Satan’s hindrances. It helped me to realize that the most important decision of my life was to accept Jesus as my Savior. Rose is my guiding light in this respect. I recommend this book.”
~Lou Solano, Retired Teacher

“I wish I had this book when I was younger!”

“This book was excellent! It gave me a lot of food for thought.
I like how Rose is transparent in relaying her personal struggles in finding God’s will. I found how she defines God’s and the reader’s roles particularly helpful. As a mature believer, I need a reminder of the two-way relationship with the Father. Her book made me realize that I’ve made mistakes because, in the past, I’ve rationalized a response based on something that I badly wanted instead of relying on submission to God’s will. The reader will benefit from Rose’s concise method for gaining wisdom and discernment. Both are critical concepts in knowing God’s will for your life.”
~Laura Hannin, Retired Aerospace Engineer and Women’s Mentoring Program Coordinator, West Virginia