What Are YOU Going to Give Jesus for Christmas This Year?

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During this Christmas season we are making our list and checking it twice. We wrestle with what to give our loved ones. We go to different stores, surf the internet in search of the perfect gift.

Shouldn’t we include our precious Savior on that list?

But what do you give Someone who has everything? Well, like we often do with our loved ones, why don’t we just ask Jesus? He will tell us!

I remember one Sunday Christmas morning many years ago. My pastor challenged us to write on a 3 x 5 card what we were going to give Jesus for Christmas. So I asked Him. I didn’t have to wait long before the Lord told me what He wanted. In fact, He had been telling me for quite sometime.

He wanted my tongue!

Not only was I often saying the wrong things and/or at the wrong time, I was also talking too much! I got very convicted when I read these verses:

When words are many, sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise. (Pr 10:19)

A man of knowledge uses words with restraint… (Pr 17:27)

[See also Pr 15:2, Pr 18:21, 2 Tim 2:16]

I had tried to give God my tongue before. I had tried to put “a muzzle on my mouth…” (Ps 39:1). But I failed miserably! Just like James predicted: “no one can tame the tongue” (Jas 3:8)—that is, no human. But God can! That’s really good news for us yakkers.

I realized I needed God’s help and that Christmas morning I got serious.

I committed my chattering tongue to the Lord Jesus as my gift to Him.

I immediately began to see an improvement in my speech. I was more sensitive to His warnings to keep my trap shut. And He gave me the power to actually keep it shut. (My more reserved husband was very pleased with that!)

I also noticed I knew what to say to a hurting or lost soul more often. God gave me wisdom in dealing with difficult people, and even how to lead a Bible study. I became more confident in speaking correctly to others. The Lord helped me to obey Ephesians 4:29:

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

His enabling prevented my tongue from speaking too many or unkind, complaining, worthless words. Now I was able to yak with a purpose—to fulfill my mission of telling others about my awesome God and His love.

“If you repent, I will restore you that you may serve me; if you utter worthy, not worthless, words, you will be my spokesman [spokeswoman 🙂 ].” (Jer 15:19)

The end result was less sinning against my Savior and others. Plus, with my tongue under the control of the Holy Spirit, I minimized the amount of hurtful words spoken back to me!

The greatest reward though, was being right with my Lord. There’s incredible joy in that!

God doesn’t need anything from us, but He does desire intimacy with His children. He wants us to give up anything that would hinder our relationship with Him—even if it costs a lot. After all, look what Jesus gave up to redeem us from hell. He thought we were worth the price (taking the punishment for our sins on Himself) so we could be with Him forever.

Couldn’t we respond out of a grateful heart and reciprocate?

So my friends…

 What are you going to give Jesus for Christmas this year?

Whatever the cost, it’ll be worth it!

I’m still seeking the Lord for His answer at this point. Meanwhile, I will continue to give Him control of this motor-mouth!

Related Resource
How to Control Your Tongue—7 Keys
How Do You Love God with Your Whole Being?

Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

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