Why You Should Consider an Accountability Partner to Overcome a Sinful Habit

“How are you doing with that ‘issue,’ Angie?  Were you tempted at all this week and how did you handle it?”

What if you heard these words from your friend in whom you confided a deep secret sin? What if you didn’t do so well in resisting and had to admit you failed—again? Would you even admit it?

In your moment of desperate weakness you had told this person of your struggle and inability to overcome a besetting sin; that you were tired of being held captive by it. Now what are you going to do in answer to your friend’s penetrating question?

We often don’t even allow the possibility of such a predicament. We don’t want to risk embarrassment in case we fail (which we typically will). But hidden sin loves to continue hiding. Exposing that sin honestly before God and another soul will increase your ability to overcome it. It’s a proven fact. Successful programs like AA or Celebrate Recovery all have an accountability aspect.

Hiding sin gives it power over you.  Revealing sin gives you power over it.

Conceding we have a problem is the 1st step toward victory. You may not always need to divulge a sin to someone else, but you must at least admit it to God and yourself.

It takes courage to acknowledge you need help. It shows you are serious about repenting. May I suggest that it isn’t in a moment of weakness but of strength (Holy Spirit’s strength) which leads one to seek aid from another?

The enemy is too strong for us. At times we need another person to come alongside and help us—to hold us accountable as an extra measure to overpower a strong sin issue.

Satan uses shame and embarrassment as a tactic to keep our sin in the dark; but we can turn that humiliation around and use it as an advantage instead! Here’s how:

Picture what it would be like when your accountability partner asks you how you did this week.

  • If you sinned, consider the shame and embarrassment you would feel. (You could deny it, but that only adds additional guilt.)
  • If you didn’t give in to sin, imagine receiving the immediate accolades for being faithful. You and your confidant would rejoice together at the victory God gave you!

Having an accountability partner has additional benefits:

  • Knowing that someone is praying specifically for you really helps in the heat of a temptation moment.
  • Someone to call/text for immediate help in resisting. (But please call on Jesus first)
  • If/when you fail they can help you figure out why. They may be able to see the sneaky devil’s tactics better than you, and suggest specific truths to defeat the enemy.

Like it or not, we believers are in a battle with darkness. And we are not to fight alone! We need each other.

Get open and honest with a trusted and strong fellow soldier. Getting free from the clutches of sin is around the corner as you enlist their help.

…Standing together with one spirit and one purpose, fighting together for the faith… (Phil 1:27)

Helpful Resource
7 Tips to Help You Break that Sinful Cycle!

Photo by Ben White Unsplash 

New Living Translation (NLT) Holy Bible. New Living Translation copyright© 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Publishers Inc.