Trust God MORE Companion Workbook

Trust God MORE Companion Workbook


The Development of Belief, Faith and Trust

Learn to walk by faith and not by sight by trusting in God more! This book shows you how.

Formats Available: Paperback | Kindle


When you face a trial, do you hear Christians say, “Just trust God!” But what does that look like in everyday life? And how do you actually do it?

Trust God MORE along with its Companion Workbook shows you how.

In this book you’ll discover:

  • A fresh approach to our Christian walk by using the illustration of a faith cycle
  • This faith cycle demystifies the differences and similarities between belief, faith and trust—one leads to the next: BELIEF→ FAITH→TRUST
  • Faith always has an object; we place our faith in something or someone
  • Faith is a gift to be received from God
  • Our walk of faith is a partnership with God; we each have a role to play which the author clearly explains for each stage in the faith cycle

This companion workbook will guide you every step of your faith journey. Its penetrating and practical questions will stimulate you to think deeply about the material so you can apply it to your everyday life. Your trust in God is bound to grow. 

Trust God MORE has been biblically critiqued by numerous experts and is a perfect resource for small group Bible studies.

If you want to walk by faith and not by sight, if you want to live everyday by trusting in God more—then get this book, take Jesus by the hand and learn how to walk with God in total trust!

Book Excerpt

How to Use this Workbook

I am thrilled that you want to go deeper in how to trust God more. All of us struggle with trusting God at times. I am so grateful God has shown me that our walk with Him is an ever-increasing progression from belief to faith to trust. I am so grateful that He is not expecting perfection from us, but simply desires us to move in the direction of trusting Him more.

Honestly, Trust God MORE has been one of the hardest books I’ve ever written. I think it’s because I want to tell you everything I know about our faith journey with God. I want you to know what I know. I want to minimize your hardships and lessen the time it takes you to get to the place of sweet fellowship with the Lover of your soul.

But that’s not my call, not my job. This is your journey with God. He is the One who determines the way you are to go. He knows the plans He has for you, and they are good. He knows what you need at every point along the way.

My job is to point you in the right direction, warn you of potential pitfalls, and encourage you to keep going because it’ll be worth it.

So as you use this material, realize these questions are just to get you started in thinking more deeply about your faith journey. I could have added a lot more questions, but I want you to let God Himself lead you to the truth you need to know and apply at this point in your walk with Him.

…He will surely be gracious to you at the sound of your cry. He will answer you. Though he give you the bread of adversity and water of affliction, yet he will be with you to teach you—with your own eyes you will see your Teacher. And if you leave God’s paths and go astray, you will hear a voice behind you say, “No, this is the way; walk here.” (Is 30:19-21 TLB)

Getting Started

1. Do you think spiritually mature believers are perfect and never fail, that they never doubt?

2. Name a few examples of faithful people you know.

• Do you think you could ever trust the Lord like they do? Why or why not?

• Do you want to be like them?

3. Do you believe that God wants you to trust Him?

Meditate on this verse: Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart. (Ps 37:4)

4. Ask God to give you the desire to trust Him more.

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