A Personal Example in Learning to Be Content (Contentment Series Part 7)

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In this learning to be content series I have done my best to explain what it means to be content and how to achieve it—no matter our circumstances. Now I want to give you…

A personal example of how I learned to be content in a very difficult trial

It was December 5, 2005. A home remedy* for cleaning rugs nearly killed me! Although my life was spared, my nasal passages were not. I tried to remedy the injury myself, but only worsened it! (I hadn’t learned my lesson yet about home remedies.) Now my taste and smell were greatly distorted.

This problem was ever before me. I couldn’t get away from it! One has to eat you know. Being Italian, I love food. With no exaggeration, there were less than 5 things that I could partially enjoy. Just the smell of onions and garlic repulsed me. No Italian or Chinese cuisine for me!

I was so unhappy and discontented. I prayed about it, but couldn’t get the victory; couldn’t get peace. I was desperate and knew I needed drastic intervention from God.

As I implored God for help, He led me to do an in-depth Bible study on satisfaction in Christ alone. Prior to that, I had only done a very small-scale study on contentment which proved insufficient for my current situation. For months I dug into the Bible for answers. Oh, what treasures I found!

I also specifically asked God for practical tips in dealing with my issue. Then I took action. For example, I wrote down the foods and recipes I could tolerate. I then experimented with modifying some of my recipes and trying new ones. Additionally, I explored medical assistance by going to various specialists.

During this time, I had a wonderful husband who was dealing with cancer. He was already going through so much! I didn’t want to add to his hardship with griping. Plus, complaining didn’t help me or please God. So when the ever-present distorted smell and taste got to me, I emphatically repeated God’s truths to my soul.

My Savior saved me from constantly sinning in my state of dissatisfaction.

Eventually, He transformed my mind and heart as I did my part. I became increasingly less discontented with my situation. I made the best of it. I gained information so I could change what I could, and accepted what I couldn’t—all with the divine help of God.

Many wonderful things have resulted from this long 15+ year trial:

~My priorities are more in line with God’s. He has become more important to me than anything, including food. I’ve learned how to better submit to Him and put Him first in everything.

~Jesus also taught me that He is indeed enough! A truth I needed to grasp if I was going to, not only survive, but thrive as a widow which occurred about 5 years later.

~On top of that, this hardship has provided many opportunities to glorify God; to tell others how the Lord has helped me and continues to help me not complain, but accept whatever He allows. Now I have a blog series on this topic, a website based on the abundant life in general, and a freebie (see below) to help you. Interesting, huh? Romans 8:28 in action!

By the way, my taste and smell issue is much better! I am very grateful for the improvement. However, I am not expecting to fully regain my senses here on earth. I only know that at the wedding feast of the Lamb in heaven (Rev 19:9), it will be a glorious feast for me and all others who have had to deal with eating limitations!

Until then, I will find my satisfaction in Christ alone!

My friend, in what areas are you discontent? Will you take the time to seriously think about it so that you’ll be able to stop complaining, so that God can produce more eternal fruit through you for His glory? Not to mention the abundant life you will experience!

I pray that my personal example in learning to be content has helped you! Here’s a free worksheet to help you more.

Oh, and beware of home remedies!

*NEVER mix ammonia with dishwasher detergent or anything that contains bleach!

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