How to Have a Contented and Grateful Heart

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Do you find yourself complaining a lot? Do you wake up feeling empty, dissatisfied, or wondering where is the abundant life that Jesus promised in John 10:10?

You know you’re supposed to be grateful. The Bible says to give thanks in all circumstances (1 Thes 5:18). And deep down you truly want to be a grateful person. But you just can’t seem to get there.

People tell you it’s a choice—and it is. We can forcefully choose to give thanks in all things.

However, wouldn’t it be great if you could develop an attitude of gratitude which emanates from the core of your being, instead of only from a strong act of your will?

You CAN! I’m here to show you…

How to Have a Contented and Grateful Heart

You see, a grateful heart flows from a contented soul. That’s our starting place. And if the Apostle Paul could learn how to be content in the most dismal of circumstances, so can we! But we need help! We can’t achieve this on our own. I know because I tried…

When I was growing up, I was never satisfied. I complained a lot. (Hey, I grew up in that type of environment—what else would you expect?!) I used to love that Rolling Stones song “I Can’t Get No Satisfaction!” Great beat and tune. But I think I liked it so much because it resonated with the longing that was in my soul.

One day, as a senior in high school, my annoyed boyfriend said this: “You’re never satisfied, Rose; never happy!” Those words woke me up. So I tried to change, but to no avail.

The years continued to pass with that ever-present deep-seated longing. I had a decent job, a comfortable home, and a wonderful husband who loved me. Yet there was still that aching emptiness inside. Is this all there is?

I was always looking for something more. Finally—on the morning of my salvation—I found it, or rather Him. Jesus Christ Himself was what I was looking for all my life!

Without Christ, I wasn’t complete. Like an unfinished painting, a puzzle with a missing piece, or a story without an ending I was naturally seeking to make it whole.

In vain I tried to fill that hole with everything except the One who could make me truly whole.

Ironically, that emptiness is what made me eventually turn to God. That’s because God’s method of completing us is through His Son.

May you experience the love of Christ…. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God. (Eph 3:19 NLT)

As I began to abide in Christ and learn how to let God fill my needs, I felt more contented; I was becoming whole in Him.

When we trust God to meet our needs, our soul can be at rest. We’re not desperately trying to fulfill them ourselves—in our own ineffective and futile way. Our soul can just rest in the Sovereign One who can—and be satisfied!

This is a much better way to live! Grumbling and complaining only makes us feel worse, repels others and displeases God.   

My friend, this is a topic near and dear to my heart and foundational to this ministry. So, if you’re tired of complaining and being discontent, go to the other posts in this series to learn how to have a contented and grateful heart all the time. Then, more and more, little by little you’ll be able to say just like the Apostle Paul…

“…I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.” (Phil 4:11)

P.S. Check out my devotional book to help you get started right away!365 Days of Gratitude
Keeping Your Gratitude Fresh and Overflowing Everyday!

(#38 in Two-Hour Religion and Spirituality Short Reads Category January 4, 2023)

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Related Resources
Free E-book: 7 Secrets to the Abundant Life

Contentment Series:
Part 2: What is the True Meaning of Contentment?
Part 3: 7 Reasons Why We Are Discontented
Part 4: How to Satisfy Unmet Needs and Desires—The Right Way 
Part 5: The #1 Key in Learning to Be Content: Put God First
Part 6: 7 Keys in Learning to be Content
Part 7: A Personal Example in Learning to Be Content

Updated 11/27/24. Originally published 1/18/23

The Holy Bible: New International Version®. NIV. ® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved. 
(NLT) Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.