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I see my cats as gifts from heaven above. The Lord has used my cats to teach me so many wonderful things about Himself.You see, God wants to be known and will use anything at His disposal to show us who He is and how He works—and in a way that makes sense to us. He often takes the tangible things inside of our world to teach us spiritual realities. I recently had the privilege of speaking at a church luncheon about a few of those marvelous spiritual lessons conveyed to me through my cute kitties. We had loads of fun, so I want to share an excerpt from the book I wrote on it. |
Kitties from Heaven: Lessons My Cats Taught Me about God
Lesson 7
Drawing Near
I love having my cats nearby, especially on my lap. I love being able to caress them and hear them purr back in contentment. It feels so nice and cozy—for both of us. I found this interesting quote…
“The purr is a feline lullaby that soothes the singer as well as the listener’s soul.”1
How true!
Most of my cats have been lovable. But not Mishi. She was more like your typical cat—aloof and independent.
She was so cute and lovable as a kitten, but once she grew up, she became standoffish. She only came around when she wanted something from me—like food. She loved to eat. And her belly showed it too!
Her brother, Odie, on the other hand, was almost always around. He would greet me when I came home and followed me around like a puppy dog. He often sat on my lap, purring and showing me affection. Oh, I loved that cat! He endeared himself to me.
Now, I loved both Odie and Mishi. However, I was able to express my love more to Odie because he was accessible and wanted it. I greatly desired to show my affection to Mishi, but she wouldn’t let me. I even went out of my way to go where she was, and lay on the floor next to her, but she would get up and walk away. She did that so often that I nicknamed her Little Miss Walks Away.
Our heavenly Father longs to be with us. Although God is everywhere and resides within those who belong to Him, He wants us to intentionally get in His presence. He wants you to draw near—get into His lap. We need not be afraid, because He is inviting us.
Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. (James 4:8 NKJV)
When we are consciously aware of being with our Lord, we’ll be better able to sense His love and affection. We’ll be in a position to receive all that the Lord wants to give us. We all want to feel loved and secure. That can’t happen if we stay away.
Now because you have a kind Owner who wants to interact with you, He won’t leave you alone if you belong to His family. He will go where you are, so to speak. He will try to make you aware that He is there, entice you to draw close.
Don’t be like Mishi! Go ahead—get up close and personal with your Owner.
Answer His call like I did, “Here kitty, kitty! Here, ____, ____!” Go ahead, draw near. Purr words of love and affection back to God, and you will find just how warm and cozy it is to be on your Father’s lap. Your purr will be like a lullaby that soothes your soul and delights your listening Father!
- Are you more like Odie or Mishi in your relationship with your Maker?
- When God goes “out of His way” to be where you are (i.e., you sense in your spirit that He is drawing you into His presence), will you respond and let Him pet you? Or will you walk away like Mishi?
- What keeps you away from God? Here’s a free resource to help you determine what might be hindering you from jumping onto His lap: Nine Hindrances and Their Solutions to a Close Walk with Our Abba Father
So my friends, I hope you will check out my E-Book, Kitties from Heaven: Lessons My Cats Taught Me about God
I know you will enjoy it even if you are not a cat lover or pet owner.
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(NKJV) New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.