Life is always changing. But we can learn how to adjust more quickly to them.

Fear of making mistakes prevent us from walking in faith. But we don’t have to be overcome by indecision. Learn how God can help you overcome the fear of making mistakes.

For some of us the Christmas holidays can be a difficult time of year. Painful memories steal our joy and peace. God isn’t asking us to pretend we’re not hurting or to stop thinking about loved ones that are no longer with us. Instead He wants us to make new and wonderful memories to ease our pain.

Make Sure You Have the RIGHT Christmas Gift

Come Christmas morning there will be many packages under most of our trees—of many shapes and sizes; some elaborate, some simple. I would imagine many of us (well, at least kids) would pick the biggest and prettiest box to open first. But have you opened up the RIGHT Christmas Gift?

The truths that you dig up yourself from God's Word will be extra-special to you and more easily remembered when you need them!

Many of us probably won't suffer major persecution in our lifetime. Most likely, the worst we’ll get is a little rejection, ridicule, or the loss of some “friends.” But all of us will suffer tribulation and heartache in this fallen sinful world. Find out the best way to prepare for these future difficulties.

Giving thanks always lifts our spirits. Find out why so you'll be motivated to be more grateful.

In Jer 29:11 God said, “For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” But how can that be true with all the suffering and persecution going on in our world? How can persecution be good? I don’t have all the answers but I came up with 6 good reasons why He does.

The amount of suffering and persecution around the world is on the rise. If we’re not careful, this could produce great fear in us! But Jesus said for us not to be alarmed. So instead of fearing let’s trust God and get prepared for the difficult times ahead.

Time seems to be going faster and faster with each waking moment. I suppose it’s because I am more conscious that the #days I have already lived far surpass the #days I have left. I am gripped with an ever-increasing desire to not waste any of my precious remaining time. How about you?