There are great rewards in loving and serving God with our all—He is worth every effort. However, God is worthy of our complete devotion even if there were no rewards!

That sense of awe we get when we see the Milky Way or the Grand Canyon is God revealing Himself to us—His glory and attributes. The more we know Him the more we will love our magnificent Creator!

All of us have challenging circumstances we have to face. Asking this question: "In my situation, what would give God the greatest glory?" will greatly help us to accept and turn around our negative situation.

If you ever look up at the sky on a clear night out in the country, it’s hard not to believe that a very BIG and powerful Being created all this. Yet the Creator of this vast universe knows and cares about the minutest details of our lives. Nothing is insignificant to God!

How Does God See Us?

If you feel like a nobody; if the opinions of others affect your whole day, then it’s time to begin seeing yourself the way God sees you. His opinion of you is what matters most. He loves and cherishes you. You are a SOMEBODY in God's eyes!

Sin is ugly. It put our Savior on the cross. However, although outwardly ugly, the cross is the most beautiful symbol to us believers. Our ugly sin crucified our beautiful Savior, but Jesus used the ugly cross to restore God’s beauty in us!

Taking our problems to God isn’t meant to be a onetime event. God doesn't expect you to come to terms with difficulties immediately. He knows it takes time to process through difficulties. So instead of worrying , think it through WITH the Lord

Most of us just want our problems fixed; our pain removed. We want God to wave His “magic wand” from afar and make it disappear! We want God to treat the symptom without getting to the root cause. But God can only heal if we let Him get close and address those issues.

Have you ever been so overwhelmed with life’s hardships that you felt like you couldn’t go through another day? I certainly have—many times! I am so grateful the Lord has taught me to run to Jesus during those times—to the ONLY ONE who can help me. Without Jesus, I would be utterly consumed by my troubles. That’s because believers in Jesus Christ have His blood coursing through our veins—restoring us, refreshing us, and renewing us! Christ's Blood gives us life!

In this learning to be content series I have done my best to explain what it means to be content and how to achieve it—no matter our circumstances. But unless you apply it, you won’t be able to experience the abundant life. Read how I applied it to my life in a very difficult trial. I did learn to be content!