Happy New Year! A brand new beginning of a brand new year. Many of us are making new goals; striving to obtain 20/20 vision in 2020.
But before we make any new goals, we need a time of evaluation; a time to look back and see what God has done; to see not only our failures, but our successes—through His eyes.
God wants us to have His perspective of both. Otherwise, we will be looking at life either from a defeated point of view, or from a prideful one. Both will stymie our spiritual growth.
God desires that we would see Him at work in our lives in an ever-increasing manner. For what purpose?
So that we will trust Him more, increase our intimacy with Him, live more God-glorifying lives, and help others to also see Him. In our busy lives we so often miss many miracles—especially the “little” ones!
I want to help you in this process of perceiving God’s handiwork this past year—and in the years to come. We may not always understand the ways of God, but if we keep our eyes open we can see Him at work. So carefully consider how your mighty God has come through for you last year. How He showed up–perhaps without your awareness.
Here are some questions to stimulate your thinking.
How, when or in what ways did you see or experience:
- An inexplicable sense of peace in the midst of chaos?
- An immediate answer to prayer?
- An answer to a longtime prayer?
- An answer to any prayer?
- A glimmer of hope that God is actually working in that prodigal child, a back-slidden mate, or a hardened soul?
- A lost soul coming to Christ?
- Spiritual growth in your stubborn child?
- Spiritual growth in someone you’re discipling?
- An overwhelming sense of God’s presence during your quiet time?
- An unexpected financial provision?
- Significant victory over a sinful habit?
- The attaining of a goal?
- An understanding of a Scripture passage that has always been puzzling?
- Strength to do a very hard thing?
- Ability to accomplish a task?
- Protection from a near-miss accident?
- Sustaining grace to persevere and endure a difficult time? A mundane time?
- Wisdom in a crisis/important decision?
- Confidence that you were making the right decision?
- A health issue resolved?
There are many other possibilities.
Take time at the start of this year to contemplate those awesome obvious God-moments. Praise Him for them. But don’t forget to look back to see those times of God’s intervention that you may have missed or took for granted. Then in this year of 2020, your eyesight will be closer to 20/20 vision in recognizing His presence, care, love, and involvement!
“So that people may see and know, may consider and understand, that the hand of the LORD has done this, that the Holy One of Israel has created it.” (Isaiah 41:20)
Great are the works of the LORD; they are pondered by all who delight in them. (Ps 111:2)
Scripture taken from THE HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by Biblica. All rights reserved worldwide.
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